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Family mobility: why bicycle trailers?

Family mobility: why bicycle trailers?

More and more people are switching from cars to bicycles for their daily trips and errands: whether it’s because of space constraints, annoying traffic jams or a desire to help protect the climate. However, a transition like this can be a big challenge if you are making these trips with kids – especially with small children who are not yet able to ride their own bikes. A bicycle trailer offers great flexibility and helps families lead a sustainable life. This blog post will discuss all the great things a bicycle trailer can do!

Using Croozer bike trailers all year round 

Staying flexible: bicycle trailer, stroller or jogger.

When it comes to transporting children by bike, the first thing most people think of is a child seat. Although bicycle trailers are becoming increasingly popular, some people still see them as the bulkier option and assume they make cycling harder, particularly when riding up hills or getting a bicycle in motion. In fact, first-time users do need a bit of time to get used to the differences in handling, but once they have, they will hardly notice the trailer rolling smoothly and elegantly behind them! Learn more about the three modes here.

With respect to space: Many manufacturers, like us, design their trailers with an extra-narrow width to ensure they will fit through doors and gates – sometimes a bit of manoeuvring is all it takes! And what makes a trailer even more practical: You can always fold it up to a compact size for transport or storage, e.g. if you won’t be needing it for the next few months. This option is incredibly valuable, especially in the city, where storage space is always in short supply.

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It all comes down to safety

For parents, there’s nothing more important than their children’s safety. And this is also where bicycle trailers shine – be it in comparison with child seats, trailer cycles or cargo bikes: In traffic, our Croozer trailers provide a protective cocoon for young passengers. The safe and roomy passenger compartment with a full internal roll cage completely surrounds the child(ren), providing protection from all sides. By contrast, the only thing that can protect a child-seat passenger in the case of an accident is their bicycle helmet. Furthermore, child seats carry children quite high off the ground and fall together with the bicycle if an accident occurs.

Even more safety comes from a trailer’s low centre of gravity, which prevents it from tipping over, e.g. on bumpy paths or if one wheel hits a kerb or pothole at a relatively high speed. And if the towing bike happens to take a spill, the bicycle trailer would remain safely upright, thanks to the swivelling hitch. In addition, trailers are designed to ensure that the passenger’s entire body remains safely inside the frame, even in extreme situations. Harness systems hold the child securely in place, even in the unlikely event that the trailer would tip or roll over. All of these factors significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

Safety first for the tiniest tots.

The Croozer commitment: In the development of our bicycle trailers, safety is the top priority. It is the basis and guiding principle for everything we do and is a central pillar of our identity as a company. This means that we only offer products that completely satisfy our high standards for safety, quality and durability. We are convinced that intelligently designed, high-quality bicycle trailers offer several advantages over other transport alternatives. Learn more for the tiniest tots

Doing sport with a child in a bicycle trailer

Flexible, like your daily routine

Another advantage of trailers is their incredible flexibility: For example, with a Croozer two-seater and the appropriate accessories, e.g. a Baby Seat, one or two children can ride comfortably “in the back seat” from infancy to school enrolment – depending on your kids’ ages and daily routines! And exploring the world together with your sister, brother or friend is also much nicer than riding alone behind Mum’s back in the child seat.

And bicycle trailers are flexible in yet another sense: Many manufacturers also offer an extra wheel so that the trailer can be quickly converted to a stroller or jogger, which means that the family may no longer need an additional stroller. With our trailers, switching between modes is especially fast, thanks to our Click & Crooz® system, which makes it possible to quickly and easily attach or remove wheels without using tools and mostly with a single click. Last but not least, a bicycle trailer can carry quite a lot of cargo! Many models have their own cargo area behind the seat(s), where your shopping and take-along items can be easily stowed.

Ultimately – when it comes to choosing between a child seat, cargo bike , trailer cycle or bicycle trailer – parents should listen to their intuition and decide for themselves what feels like the safest and most convenient way to transport their child(ren) by bike. The trailer is definitely one of the options that offers the longest period of usefulness for the whole family and can adapt flexibly to various situations.

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